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Appendix - crime categorisation
Data information
The data presented in this report has been extracted from the collection administered by New Zealand Police. New Zealand population estimates used to calculate rates of recorded crime per 1000 people are drawn from Statistics New Zealand. All annual statistics are on a year ended 31 December basis unless otherwise stated.
Offence classifications
Listed below are three levels of classification, within each offence category are a number of offence classes and within each offence class are a number of offence types.
Violence offence categoryhomicide
- murder
- attempted murder
- manslaughter (crimes act s 177)
- infanticide
- abortion
- aiding suicide and pact
kidnapping and abduction
- kidnapping
- abduction
- aggravated robbery
- non-aggravated robbery
- assaults with intent to rob
- compelling execution of documents
grievous assaults
- wounding with intent
- injuring with intent
- aggravated wounding/injury
- disabling/stupefying
- dangerous acts with intent
- injure - if death ensued, manslaughter
- miscellaneous grievous assaults
- use firearm against law enforcement off
- assault with weapon (c act s 202c)
serious assaults
- aggravated assaults
- assault with intent to injure
- assault on child(under 14 yrs)
- assault by male on female
- assaults police (crimes act)
- assault person assist pol (crimes act)
- assaults person lawful ex process
- common assault (crimes act)
- miscellaneous common assault(cr act)
minor assaults
- assault on law enforcement officers
- assault person assisting police
- assaults official(other statutes)
- common assault
- miscellaneous common assault
- threatens to kill/do gbh
- threatening act(pers/prop)(crimes)
- threatening behaviour/language
- demand intent to steal/extortion
- offensive weapon possession etc
- criminal libel/slander
- fail to provide necessities of life
- miscellaneous intimidation/threats
- threatening to act (person or property)
group assemblies
- riot (crimes act 1961)
- unlawful assembly etc
- crimes against personal privacy
- harassment act 1997
- participation & association offences
Sexual offence categorysexual attacks
- sexual violation crimes act 1961
sexual affronts
- indecent performances and acts etc
- obscene exposure
immoral behaviour
- miscellaneous immoral behaviour offncs
indecent videos
- video recordings act 1987
- video recordings act 1987
- video recordings act 1987
sexual attacks
- abduction for sex
- abduction for marriage or sex
- indecent assaults
- inducing sexual connection by coercion
- sexual violation
- attempt to commit sexual violation
- asault intent to commit sexual violation
- sexual intercourse with child under care
- sex off against male victim crimes act 61
abnormal sex
- incest
- sex with animals
immoral behaviour
- unlawful sexual intercourse
- attempted unlawful sexual intercourse
- indecent assaults
- indecency (female-female)
- indeceny (male-female)
- indecency (male-male)
- conspiracy to indure sexual intercourse
immoral behaviour/miscellaneous
- brothels and prostitution
- indecent publications act
- publish breaches
- misc immoral behaviour offences
- films videos & publications classif. act
Drug and anti-social offence categorydrugs (not cannabis)
- import/export drugs(not cannabis)
- prod/manuf/distr drugs(not cannabis)
- sell/gve/supp/admin/deal dgs no canb
- possess for supply drugs no cannabis
- procure/possess drugs no cannabis
- consume/smoke/use drugs(not cannabis
- cultivation drugs(not cannabis)
- misc offences re drugs(not cannabis)
- conspiracy to deal drugs (not cannabis)
drugs(cannabis only)
- import/export cannabis
- produce/manufacture/distr cannabis
- sell/gve/supp/admin/deal cannabis
- possess for supply cannabis
- procure/possess cannabis
- consume/smoke/use cannabis
- cultivation of cannabis
- miscellaneous offences re cannabis
- conspiring to deal drugs (cannabis only)
- bookmaking
- gaming house offences
- betting offences
- lottery and raffle offences
- miscellaneous gaming offences
- licensed promoters
- casino offences - casino control act 1990
- casino offences cont'd
- obstructing/hindering/resisting
- inciting/encouraging offences
- behaviour offences
- language offences
- miscellaneous disorder offences
- disorderly assembly offences - sum off ac
vagrancy offences
- associating convicted thief offences
- preparing to commit crimes
family offences
- child abuse (not assault)
- domestic affairs breaches
- miscellaneous family offences
- family proceedings act
- guardianship act 1968
family offences continued
- publishing & document off. c,yp & f act89
- c,yp offences - c,yp & f act s446
- miscellaneous breaches c,yp & f act 1989
- residential tenancies act 1986
- domestic violence c21act 1995
sale of liquor act 1989
- closure of licensed premises riot/fightng
- licee/mngr liqr offn-sale of liqr act 89
- licensee/managers continued
- offences re minor - sale of liquor act 89
- powr of pol enter licnsd prems/demnd info
- sales by unlicensed persons
- unlicensed premises liquor offences
- miscellaneous liquor offences
Dishonesty offence categoryburglary
- burglary for drugs
- burglary(other property)
- burglary associated offncs(crimes act)
- crimes act 1961 section 240a
car conversion etc
- unlawful taking/conversion m/v's
- unlawfully interfere/get into m/v
- take/convert/interfere bicycle
- miscellaneous car conversion etc
- theft of drugs only
- theft ex shop ( no drugs)
- theft (pillage) (no drugs)
- theft ex car (not pillage - no drugs)
- theft ex person (no drugs)
- theft ex dwelling (no drugs)
- general thefts (no drugs)
- theft as servant/misappropriation
- receiving/possessing stolen goods
- receiving drugs
- engages in money laundering offences
- financial transaction reporting act 1996
- currency + counterfeiting offences
- position of trust frauds
- false pretences by cheque only
- false pretence other than cheque
- credit by fraud
- fraudulent breaches specific statute
- miscellaneous frauds
- false pretences by credit/bank cards
- credit by fraud by credit/bank cards
Property damage offence category
destruction of property
- arson
- wilful damage
- wilf damage under specific statute
- wrecking/interfering
- miscellaneous endangering
- aircraft hijacking/attempts etc
Property abuse offence category
- offences under trespass act
- trespass under specific statute
- miscellaneous trespass offences
- litter under specific statutes
- miscellaneous littering and leaving
- littering (litter act 1979)
- neglect and cruelty to animals
- miscellaneous offences re animals
- off re police dogs police amend act 1996
postal/rail/fire service abuses
- railway abuses
- fire service abuses
- telecommunications act 1987
- postal services act 1987
- forest and rural fire act 1977
arms act offences
- licensed dealer offences
- general restrictions
- general obligations
- offences re licences
- general offences
- offences re use of firearm
- miscellaneous offences
Administrative offence category
against justice
- offences against judicial office
- offences against judical procedure
- offences after sentence passed
- miscellaneous offences agst justice
- administrative breach of misc statute
- other breaches misc statute
- police complaints authority act 1988
- other breaches misc statute
- failure to answer bail
births/deaths and marriages
- offences re births and deaths
- offences re marriage
- shipping and seamen
- immigration act 1987
- race relations
- criminal investigation (blood smple) 1995
- race relations - human rights act 1993
against national interest
- tending to affect security
- misc offs against national interest
by - laws breaches
- by laws prosecuted by police
- dog control/hydatids act 1982
- dog control/hydatids act 1982
- dog control act 1996
- dog control act 1996 continued
Within each offence category are a number of offence classes and within each offence class are a number of offence types |