General Home Security Advice
Your home and your possessions belong to you. No one has the right to enter your home to take your property without your permission. |
Security Services Online Directory
A comprehensive Web directory of NZ security companies and services |
Intruders in the home
It is a good idea to prepare a plan of what you would do in threatening situations and discuss that plan with your family and friends. |
Living Alone
Guidelines to follow for those who live alone. Includes special advice for woman living alone, and dealing with attackers |
Neighbourhood / Victim Support
Community support groups are one of the most effective ways we have of helping ensure people and their property remain safe. |
Elderly at home
Burglars look for easy opportunities, unlocked houses, poor locks, open windows, and houses that look as though no one is living in them, and some may look upon older people as easy targets |
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