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The Operation Tam base, set up to find out what happened to missing friends Ben Smart and Olivia Hope, released information on 12 January that screaming and shouting had been heard around the time the pair were last seen. Olivia and Ben had disappeared in the early hours of New Years Day 1998, after being dropped off by a water taxi, along with a mystery man, onto a yacht moored in Endeavour Inlet, off Furneaux Lodge.
Police said the information came from two independent sources. One said screaming had been heard and another spoke of a male shouting and swearing. According to police, the screaming was unintelligible but the shouting included swear words. People hearing this had been on board moored yachts in Endeavour Inlet and had put the time at between 4am and 5 am on New Years day about the time Olivia
One said screaming had been heard and another spoke of a male shouting and swearing... |
and Ben were last seen.
Police were able to identify the sources of the screaming and shouting and later in the inquiry said it had been eliminated from the investigation.
For more information refer to any of the 20 topics isolated for you by CrimeCo. Sequentially, Maritime Equipment is recommended.
 Screaming and shouting heard |