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Dinghy confiscated
Police working on Operation Tam confiscated an aluminium dinghy on 6 March 1998 and also removed a forward hatch from the sloop they seized on 12 January, but would not say why, other than that the hatch was part of the ongoing examination.
Operation Tam began on 2 January 1998 to investigate the disappearance of friends Olivia Hope (17) and Ben Smart (21) who have not been seen since the early hours of New Years Day 1998. The pair was dropped off, along with a mystery man, onto a yacht moored in Endeavour Inlet off Furneaux Lodge.
The officer in charge of the investigation, Detective Inspector Rob Pope said police wanted to establish who owned the dinghy taken from Picton’s Shakespeare Bay. He said that some time in 1997 it was associated with the sloop police seized on 12 January and examined forensically as part of their investigation.
Police had taken possession of a plywood dinghy the day after the sloop was impounded and it had been towed behind the sloop during police sea trials in March.
Three days after the public appeal for information police said they had not received any relevant information about who owned the aluminium dinghy. (It is a 1.8m (6ft) Parker Craft with two Parker Craft and one Takapuna Dive Centre stickers on it. It is riveted and has a red and white upper edge).
For more information refer to any of the 20 topics isolated for you by CrimeCo. Sequentially, Private Detectives is recommended.
 An aluminimum dinghy has been taken for testing by police |